Cell phone Hack
On May 9, 8:50 pm, JIMMIE wrote:
I bought 3 old cell phones at a yard cell the other day to tinker
with. These are GPS equipped. I was wondering it would be possible to
take a signal off of these I could use as a time reference. At work we
have such a reference that supplies 10Mhz, 1Mhz 1 Hz and I think there
are other frequencies. I opened one up and dont have a clue to what
any of the chips do. Any help would be appreciated.
hey OM:
There sure are alot of nay sayers here for sure.
Back in the day I used to repair TV's,.Now back then, in sum TV's they
took the NTSC color burst frequency off the IF via a filter, now true
it was a quartz crystal filter.
Wouldn't take much to use a pick up loop and a 10 MHz broadband filter
to pull off the frequency standard in a cell phone.
73 OM