Originally Posted by Postipoika
Tom2000 kirjoitti:
Howdy, Folks,
I recently released a freeware Win98/2000/XP/Vista program that
generates codewheel images and prints them to any home inkjet or laser
Speaking of my web page, I think I should probably tell you where to
find it:
Very 73,
Tom AB9B
Thanks Tom
I will try. DIY is my fun
Now in my test circuit is a cheap mechanical front panel encoder.
Only 16 steps/rev.
It doesn't satisfy me.
Shaft has no bearings in mounting and it has inconvenient play.
As an encoder designer for an encoder company (Quantum Devices Inc). I have to say that Tom's program comes in very handy when I need to prototype low line count devices.
Jim Miller
Quantum Devices Inc.
http://www.quantumdev.com/ (Homepage)
http://quantumdevices.wordpress.com/ (Blog)