Thread: Field Strength
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Old December 15th 03, 03:55 PM
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003 06:59:36 GMT, said...
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

Your web site is very hard to read with the dark blue background and
black text. A lot of people have vision problems, and can not read this
color combination.

Sorry. The next time I update it I'll see if I can find a better color.
I think I noticed that once while I was developing it - I think it is
due to a low-color VGA mode. I spent too long fooling around trying to
develop the fractal-smith chart background (thanks to da GIMP) to mess
with it any further. You can always edit the HTML yourself and change my
background color. Its not like I've got advertisers paying me.

I missed that. For my snith chart program. I wrote out the eqs for
intersecting circles, coded the graphics in VBA, and captured them
as bmps for the C++ version af the app.

I'll be damned. Thar's fractal impedance admittance charts in them
thar backgrounds!
