To Bruce, was Anyone doing anything new, or is this trulya sunk ship?
On 6/1/2010 11:27 AM, bpnjensen wrote: is whether or not Gregg is disruptive. In short, he isn't,
not [disruptive] on this group.
Bruce, may I respectfully suggest that you are splitting hairs.
Gregg may (or may not) be directly disruptive, but on an INDIRECT basis,
he certainly HAS been disruptive. By his OWN ADMISSION (several times),
he has said that he willfully brought over the thugs from other
groups to cause trouble in RRS.
....and even though the Bryant party is long over, the stench of the
'visiting' trolls -still- lingers on.
The bottom line seems to be that you are saying if Gregg doesn't do the
dirty work himself, that's OK...and if he brings in others to do his
dirty work, you apparently think that's OK too.
Again, it looks like we can agree to disagree. :-)