Calling all Trolls! Calling all Trolls! Gregg needs help!
On Jun 3, 2:33*am, nurk_fred2000 wrote:
The Distinguished Troll Society has been asked by Gregg in to come over and destroy that group the same way we
did to soc.culture.thai and rec.knives. We are at out best when causing
mayhem and look forward to having our ranks swell with new members. To
join, just come on down to and help us help Gregg to
shut down another stupid news group.
Gregg, don't worry, buddy. We're right behind you!
Hey, now now Fred. ;-) I didn't put out the bat signal quite yet.
I'm watching this Biography thing about Gary Coleman, pretty
interesting, lots I didn't know about him.
But yeah, I definitely did a little research and made a few calls. Ole
Krypsie Kreme has been spouting nothing but lies so I provided the
links to show he was we didn't know already.
Interestingly enough though, not a peep heh except from the teacher
at a lowly college in Louisville who claimed he had his PhD but has
nothing of the sort. Who previously was racked with charges for
getting high with his debate team on a road trip - actually wayyy more
than that I had found out. That is just what he pleaded to. Kind of
puts another definition on the term "road trip." And of course he
didn't reply on the thread that busted his boyfriend.
So yeah - just like I said - it looks like MB is back for good. It
will be the same MO, that is why it is called M.O. - he can't change-
it is just his nature and Krypsie is here also. I had no idea going to
a knife newsgroup would bring about such nuts as these two combined
(thanks Krypsie)......I mean we were full of our limit of trouble with
MB. Everything was going smooth, human behavior- you gotta love it on
Now we have "Heil Hitler" siding with the troublemakers, which is
expected I guess shaking my head At least we'll get the Steve and
Mike show back, it was quiet for a while. We'll see. :-)