Calling all Trolls! Calling all Trolls! Gregg needs help!
On 3/06/2010 5:15 PM, Gregg wrote:
On Jun 3, 2:33 am, wrote:
The Distinguished Troll Society has been asked by Gregg in to come over and destroy that group the same way we
did to soc.culture.thai and rec.knives. We are at out best when causing
mayhem and look forward to having our ranks swell with new members. To
join, just come on down to and help us help Gregg to
shut down another stupid news group.
Gregg, don't worry, buddy. We're right behind you!
Hey, now now Fred. ;-) I didn't put out the bat signal quite yet.
So, you admit then that your aim is to destroy RRS?? So when will you
"put out the bat signal"???
I'm watching this Biography thing about Gary Coleman, pretty
interesting, lots I didn't know about him.
He may be interesting, albeit quite dead, but the posters in RRS are
learning a lot more about you now, aren't they?
Now we have "Heil Hitler" siding with the troublemakers, which is
expected I guessshaking my head At least we'll get the Steve and
Mike show back, it was quiet for a while. We'll see. :-)
Yeah, you really did find it boring in RRS, didn't you Gregg. Nothing
makes you more happy than having a few posters to attack, eh?
ps, I notice that this post of yours was crossposted to alt.troll. I'll
take the liberty to remove that group from my reply to you! I guess we
can expect a lot more of your buddies in RRS now that the call has gone