Calling all Trolls! Calling all Trolls! Gregg needs help!
LarbGai wrote:
On Jun 3, 8:23 pm, Krypsis wrote:
ps, I notice that this post of yours was crossposted to alt.troll. I'll
take the liberty to remove that group from my reply to you! I guess we
can expect a lot more of your buddies in RRS now that the call has gone
****** And thanks goes to you Krypto. Seeing you getting involved in
something that's got nothing to do with you is good enough reason.
Let the hi-jinx begin.
Right you are, Larbie!! We can destroy this group as easily as we did
soc.culture.thai and rec.knives. We have Gregg right here to feed us
inside information too.
Maybe we should elect him president? Whadya think?
Let the chaos begin! Gregg, you da man!