Calling all Trolls! Calling all Trolls! Gregg needs help!
On 3/06/2010 6:58 PM, Gregg wrote:
On Jun 3, 4:23 am, wrote:
On 3/06/2010 5:15 PM, Gregg wrote:
On Jun 3, 2:33 am, wrote:
The Distinguished Troll Society has been asked by Gregg in to come over and destroy that group the same way we
did to soc.culture.thai and rec.knives. We are at out best when causing
mayhem and look forward to having our ranks swell with new members. To
join, just come on down to and help us help Gregg to
shut down another stupid news group.
Gregg, don't worry, buddy. We're right behind you!
Hey, now now Fred. ;-) I didn't put out the bat signal quite yet.
So, you admit then that your aim is to destroy RRS?? So when will you
"put out the bat signal"???
YOU said that and YOU are the one bringing about the trouble.
No, Fred Nurk said that! Look above and you'll see it quoted there! I
merely asked you to verify it! What I find extremely interesting about
Nurks post is that he quite clearly and openly states that the DTS's
intention is to destroy just like they destroyed
soc.culture.thai and rec.knives and this at your behest! Even more
interesting and, dare I say, worrying, is your tacit agreement with the
DTS' stated aims.
As for me bringing trouble here, remind me again who it was who invited
the trolls in here to deal with the likes of Mike Bryant and sundry
other posters with whom you seem to have had "issues".
When you leave - your friends leaves.
I'll raise a couple of points here! First and foremost, they are YOUR
FRIENDS, NOT MINE! Recall if you will their oft repeated claims that YOU
have been inducted into the DTS which, should you need reminding, is
their clandestine little troll group, now also yours.
Secondly, and history will verify this, the trolls will not leave even
after every legitimate poster leaves. Take a look into rec.knives! The
trolls are pretty much the ONLY POSTERS in that group nowadays. I don't
post in soc.culture.thai but the DTS still do! So much for your fine
little theory!
I'm still waiting on that post of mine
that said "Kramer was gone long before I ever posted in rk" - you I noticed you came to this thread though because it had
troll on it. Like bringing the cheese to the mouse. Why don't you
answer in the thread Krypsie that shows you are/were/and still are/ a
I was going to respond to that post of yours earlier but then I saw
Nurks post and your inane response to it! I just about ****ed myself
laughing and almost fell off my chair! Thought it best to deal with this
thread first! When I can bring myself to stop laughing, I'll respond to it!
I'm watching this Biography thing about Gary Coleman, pretty
interesting, lots I didn't know about him.
Back at ya' - the difference is - you spew forth your sunshine in
EVERY GROUP you frequent. That is, at least under your monicker of
No, there are a lot of groups to which I am subscribed that I do not
post to. I merely have interest in discussions therein! Do you think you fool me with these bait laden
anonymous posts? You get me either way. If I don't respond, you will
say something. If I respond, you will say something. Yeah buddy, had
What "bait laden anonymous posts" are you referring to? The only one
I've seen is the one by "Anonymous" asking for advice on four radios. I
was thinking to respond as I have a Sony 7600 but mine is the first
model of that series,long superseded and no longer available new. Since
I do not have any of the other models mentioned, I felt I wasn't able to
offer any comparative advice so I didn't post a response.
Then I saw YOUR response to that one where you really didn't offer
anything at all and gave a totally meaningless URL. It was then I
suspected that you may be the originator of that anonymous post so that
you could give yourself the opportunity to present as a very helpful
fellow on RRS.
you pegged from go get and you prove it with EVERY POST. Instead of
back slappin Larry with all kinds of ! ! ! - why don't you make a
Larry posts some reasonable and, dare I say, interesting comments so I
thought I would respond in kind. I have no beef with Larry.
post in here about RADIO!. And not like you did over in rec knives
either, where the ratio was 1 to 35, what is it with you?
What is the ratio of your posts on topic versus hanging crap on the
likes of Mike Bryant? For that matter, how many anonymous sock puppets
do you have in here posting off topic crud?
He may be interesting, albeit quite dead, but the posters in RRS are
learning a lot more about you now, aren't they?
refer to above.
Now we have "Heil Hitler" siding with the troublemakers, which is
Who on earth is "Heil Hitler"? Is that yet another dead person with whom
you seem unduly obsessed?
expected I guessshaking my head
You really need to stop shaking that head of yours. With that loose
screw, it's just as likely to fall off and then you'll be in real trouble!
At least we'll get the Steve andMike show back,
it was quiet for a while. We'll see. :-)
Yeah, you really did find it boring in RRS, didn't you Gregg. Nothing
makes you more happy than having a few posters to attack, eh?
Lord, you are freeking sick. Please along with MB - see not just your
healthcare provider but ask for REAL help Krypsis, I'm being serious.
I mean, I know you won't run to your doc because of me but damn dude.
THIS ISN'T NORMAL!!!!!! Don't you see this? Now I know why the DTS
looks for you everywhere and vice versa, it's like freeking the
Israeli's and PLO etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
Just look at what you wrote. excerpted from above!
At least we'll get the Steve and Mike show back,
Now, to me at least, that reads like you're thrilled to have the "Steve
and Mike show" back into action. Since you were a major participant in
haranguing Mike, I can honestly believe that you are!
Now this, also excerpted from above!
it was quiet for a while.
This reads to me like you felt it was getting boring in here. Explain
please, if you will, how it can read anything else given the context in
which it was written!
ps, I notice that this post of yours was crossposted to alt.troll. I'll
take the liberty to remove that group from my reply to you! I guess we
can expect a lot more of your buddies in RRS now that the call has gone
I didn't even notice it, thanks for the kindness, you're just such a
swell individual and lovely human being.shaking my head
Well, for a person who purports to be so careful in not crossposting off
topic stuff to other newsgroups, you slipped up badly on this one.
Maybe, just maybe, you didn't slip up. Maybe you wanted it crossposted
to alt.troll so even more of your brethren will come and infest RRS.
Well, Nurks post, that you so carefully quoted in its entirety, will
almost certainly attract trolls from far and wide. Regulars on RRS will
have you to thank when this newsgroup becomes a real trollfest.