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Old December 20th 03, 10:38 PM
kenneth scharf
Posts: n/a

Lenny Wintfeld wrote:

I've got some nice MCL UNCL-R1H-2 mixers from Mini-Circuits that I
finally have a use for.
MCL's current catalog lists the UNCL-R1 specs and a google shows the
general specs of the UNCL-R1H variant (17 dbm LO instead of 7dbm) but I
can't find anything on the -2 variant (UNCL-R1H-2.

If you have an old MCL catalog could you look it up for me and let me
know what the difference is (or send a list of the relevant specs).

TIA & 73,
Lenny W2BVH

usually when mini circuits puts a dash number on their parts it is to
indicate a different frequency range for that part. The H variant indicates
a different signal level as you noticed. In the case of other mixer
parts the
-2 variant was a higher frequency part.