Direct connect 6 meter beam
Since no one stepped up who has the experience and knowledge, I will
offer an opinion:
Further would be better but the more practical decision will be based
on what is reasonable and maintainable.
Everything is a compromise!
On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 09:05:11 -0700 (PDT), "R.Scott"
The problem with holding a few parameters constant is that you have to
accept whatever gain, patterns and such that come with the deal.
Well I did find plans for a 6 elem on a 17.5ft boom. The boom on the
old A4S is 18Ft. If I use the parts off my old A3
and my A4 I should be able to come up with all the parts for the 6
element. And its direct connect.
I wonder how far above the A4 the 6 meter needs to be. I only have a
5ft mast.
my DX800 rotor should handle it.
John Ferrell W8CCW