On Jun 23, 1:12*am, Gregg wrote:
On Jun 23, 3:59*am, RHF wrote:
1 - Hearing a faint Male Voice {English} at times
with a repetitive three tone 'ping' [ID] ?
{that was not Morse Code}
3385 kHz @ 09:52 UTC on 06/22/10
Does not appear to be {sound like} [EiBi] :
* 3385 - 0000-2400 - B - Radio Globo Santos - P - B
-not- spoken Portuguese or Brazilian sounding Music
* 3385 - 0700-1400 - PNG - Radio East New Britain - TP -PNG - r
-not- spoken Tok Pisinhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tok_Pisin
-fwiw- Voice Of Papua New Guinea [PNG]
NBC Radio Broadcasting Frequencieshttp://www.nbc.com.pg/tunein.htm
? so is it something else ?
2 -also- 9425 kHz @ 19:30 ? India ?
Indian Music and Songs with News in English
[EiBi] - 9425 - 1320-0043 - IND AIR National Channel - HI - SAs - b
Twain Harte, CA -usa-
-posted-to- Shortwave Listener QSL Reports*http://groups.google.com/group/short...er-qsl-reports
* Just plain SWL Radio Reports +AM&FM too
-cause- very little else is allowed
And I noticed at maybe every twenty/thirty second interval there will
be a louder ping --- that holds it out slightly longer. Interesting no
doubt. But sadly no voice here at my QTH.
Last night 06/23/10 {early-morning} on 3385 kHz
I heard what sounded like French speaking and
what sounded like African Music -but- it was
'faint' and I could not be sure; even after an Hour
of listening to it . . .
Twain Harte, CA -usa-