What could i do with this dish?
Hi, i have a 2.4 metre solid dish here and was going to use it for TVRO but
havn't got round to it as the majority of it is foreign with subtitles and
that doesn't impress me all that much. Just wondering how i might be able to
utilise this dish in the HAM scenario. I am a "Standard" licence in
Australia which entitles me to transmit on most bands excluding 3776 - 3800,
50 - 52 MHz, 420 - 430 MHz, 2300 - 2302 MHz, 3.5 gig, 10gig, and above. Also
can't use WARC bands. So it's a bit limited in the higher part of spectrum
but just wondering if someone could offer some suggestions on what i could
use it for (Except birdbath, fishpond etc lol)