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Old December 25th 03, 09:23 PM
Frank Dinger
Posts: n/a

From your experience, who's solder braid is the best? I want to desolder
some components and I want the braid to soak up the solder "At the drop of


If the soldered components are of the 0.1 or 0.15 inch pitched type I would
suggest you apply a solder (spring operated piston) sucker instead of
desoldering braid . Reason : less heat is applied to the components if these
are to be re-used. The same applies to the PCB especially if it is a
repair job ,hence the PCB is to be retained .Personally I have not been very
successful with desoldering braid , but that is perhaps due to a lack of
skill . With a sucker I have never had any problems , desoldering components
on the above type of boards.

Frank GM0CSZ / KN6WH