"Anonymouse" wrote in message news:
On 7/12/2010 9:36 AM, Takin & Kanoknuan wrote:
**That's rich coming from the buffoon that used to walk around CM
wearing a ridiculous Indiana Jones outfit, and who didn't have the
courtesy or manners to remove his pork pie hat when he was being
questioned by one of the boys in brown at the police station on the day
of his arrest. Lack of cultural awareness ? Or just stupidity...
Might just well be because he wasn't being questioned.
**Then why was he ****ing his pants, or rather why were you Steve (as it's
you making this post hiding behind one of your sock puppets) ****ing your
He was giving evidence against Robert Johnson, as were the three women the
Johnson was harassing.
**That's a lie Steve and you know it. You were being questioned so don't try
to wriggle/worm/slime/lie your way out of it.
The look of fear on your face in Bob's photo says it all! Priceless!!!!