Lack of cultural awareness ? Or just stupidity...
On 7/12/2010 7:09 PM, Cheesy Bob wrote:
And it is amazing that he was sober enough to do so...
Say Hey:
Steve never joined nor attempted to join the Chiang Mai Photographic
Group while holeing up at the Hillside Condo.
Why would he? That is an amateur group, isn't it? They hold meetings and
invite guest photographers to speak, to help them improve their skills.
Do you know who was their very FIRST professional to be invited to speak
there? Yep, you guessed it. Your very own idol and owner of your soul.
Check it out. It makes good reading!
In addition, he never
had any of his photos displayed at any exhibits in Thailand. PERIOD!
No cash prizes, right? Nope... didn't think so. Why would he? Have any
members of that group had their photos published in magazines and
newspapers? Have any members of that group been regular magazine
columnists with photos and articles published every month for years? You
should read some of the columns. They are available on line.
January 8, 2004 was an extremely fun day for Pickle
Bob. I had to have a few extra drinks that day.
How much money did the Police make Kramer pay you for all your fax
paper? Not a penny, eh? Too bad. It probably was a really BIG box of fax
paper wasted. How much did that paper cost you, Robert? Besides your
company, that is. *