PL-259 on satellite TV coax?
I must replace the 100+ ft. coax run in a receive-only antenna system
that includes a Transi-Tap transient discharger and a Magnetic
Longwire Balun impedance transformer, and both have SO-239's.
It used to be RG-58, but foam-dielectric 75-ohm sat-TV coax is
everywhere, low-loss, well shielded, cheap etc.and I am sure I can
live with the extra mismatch.
However, its shield is aluminum foil. It can't be soldered, so the
plug has to be twist-on or maybe crimp-on type. The center conductor
is copper or copperclad and therefore can be soldered.
Years ago I did use things that looked like screw-on PL-259's on the
300+ ft. sat-TV coax run that feeds my homemade T2FD. They work
perfectly, but I'd be darned if I can find some anymore around here.
So I have to buy online unseen, if I can find any. I located exactly
one expensive supplier, in the UK, that lists "twist-on PL-259's for
RG-58" and they don't look like mine.
- Do twist-on / crimp-on PL259's for RG-58 still exist?
- Do they go by any special name I can't guess?
- Whatever they're actually called, do they fit sat-TV coax?
- Suggestions for suppliers? Or should they be available everywhere?
I hope I hadn't chanced on a nonstandard type!
Thank you in advance!