Gregg, this is YOUR fault!
On 7/26/2010 10:48 AM, nurk_fred2000 wrote:
On Jul 25, 6:12 pm, Cheesy wrote:
On Jul 26, 7:28 am, wrote:
On 7/26/2010 5:04 AM, Takin& Kanoknuan wrote:
**Pity that 'Google' can't distinguish between the posts made by the
trolls, and by the others.
Are you really so inept that you can't run a proper Google Search? If I
can set it to eliminate troll posts anyone can. No big deal.
Wrong again, troll. Don't you get tired of being wrong so often?
Say Hey Stevie:
Had a few beers the other day with Chas of Tuskers. When I asked about
you he replied, WHO?
Don't you get tired of being a born loser?
5555 Yee-Haw !!
***Hey Stevie Boy...I wonder if the Concierge at the Bangkok Radisson
remembers you...
"...walking through the lobby with my gear and the Concierge yelled
"Hey, aren't you the Famous Photographer [Snapper] from
CM...?"...Seems Tuskers DOESN'T know you either Pinkie...So much for a
pressing (and paid) speaking engagement...*smirk*