Just thought I would mention to all newsgroup readers the incredible deal
available from Zilog. They have their Zilog Encore Z8 development kit,
which includes a development board, eZ8 processor, C compiler, assembler,
simulator, IDE, cabling, documentation and more for a mere $40 US
(available from Mouser and others).
I have been using this development kit for a few months. It is a fantastic
way to learn about microprocessors, microcontrollers, C and assembler
programming, for a great price. A C compiler alone will cost you more than
$40 for most controllers. I have no beneficial interest in Zilog, but
their product is terrific.
Yeah, I have the z8!Encore dev kit (£23), not bad at all.
Complete dev kit, including in-circuit debugger, can't complain at that,
although their compiler has a few bugs (especially when code optimization is