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On Jul 29, 3:48*am, Spike wrote:
"False positive epidemics"
Diagnosing psychiatric illness has always been controversial, mental
health experts say. Now some are worried that a new draft of the
diagnostic 'bible' for mental health medicine could result in almost
everyone being diagnosed with a mental condition.
The diagnostic 'bible' in question is the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric
The US manual is used worldwide as a basis for diagnosis, research and
medical education.
I knew a girl who social workers filed a lawsuit to take her school-
age children away from her because she gave them steak and eggs for
breakfast which the social workers sai d doing is mentally ill because
steak is not a breakfast food. (according to the social workers)
They said anyone who has steak and eggs for breakfast is mentally ill.
That includes adults eating steak and eggs for breakfast.
They said anyone who gives kids steak and eggs for breakfast is
mentally ill and guilty of child abuse and should have their kids
taken away for doing so.
The judge in court ruled that having strak and eggs for breakfast is
imndeed mentally ill and giving kids steak and eggs for breakfast is
indeed child abuse and illegal and the kids should be taken away
because of that, but that since she did it because her doctor said
she needed the protein, she could keep her kids.
Strangely, both the judge and the social workers have never yet went
after McDonald's fast food restaurants for serving steak & eggs to
kids for breakfast. Nor tried putting McDonald's owners and employees
into a mental institution for serving steak & eggs for breakfast.
If it's illegal and child abuse like the judge and social workers
said, then they should be going after McDonald's and arresting the
Of course, it isn't abuse, but they sure tried to go after someone
for it who isn't a big croporation
Its forthcoming fifth edition - known in the profession as as DSM-5 -
is set to contain a range of new diagnoses, including conditions such
as "mixed anxiety depression, psychosis risk syndrome and temper
dysregulation disorder", as well as the more mundane binge eating.
The danger, say experts writing in a special issue of the Journal of
Mental Health, is that there has not been enough research to back up
these changes.
Even the smallest shift in how to define something like depression
could have huge implications.
Following changes to the previous version of the DSM, there was a rise
in rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autistic
disorder and childhood polar disorders.
The Journal calls them "false positive epidemics".
Don't say that you weren't warned that the pharma industry needs a
method by which to sell more pills - and what better area than a 'soft
science' such as this?
[The Subject style of "Many operators of Amateur Radio equipment ..."
is designed to get round SluttyFartBlast's drearily-repeated complaint
"What has this go to do with Amateur Radio?". He clearly hasn't
realised that just about anything can be prefixed in this way.]
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