***Good old Kombat and his sockies...you pulled the wool over on poor
Chuckles the Klown when he fell hook line and sinker for a new pal,
one "Howard Aslan" (your most famous sock puppet Steve)...The only
problem was that Chuckles took a real life liking to Howard, he was
too stupid to realise your game...Chuckles was crest fallen when he
found out that "Howard" had passed away from a "stroke" thus losing
one of his new Knife Knut pals, BooooHoooo ;o(...But you made a big
mistake Steve, bringing Howard back to sock puppet life over at SCT, 6
months after Howard's untimely death... And poor old Chuckles the Sod
just happened to read your posts and it dawned on him what we've been
saying all along, lol,.. did he send you any "nasty grams" Steve and
if so can you please post them for all the Trolls to read and
enjoy...I have no doubt Chilla would like to extract some revenge on
you for playing him like the fool he is; has he recovered from the
ordeal or is he still in hiding seeking professional help...?...Have
you and Chuckles kissed and made up yet Steve...?...
