On 4/08/2010 8:36 AM, rod wrote:
On Aug 3, 1:18 pm, wrote:
On 4/08/2010 3:41 AM, rod wrote:
55555 Steve, are you married to each other? Sure seems that way with
Krypto the Klown coming to your defense all the time, sticking up for
Do you not get the irony in your statement? You trolls are always coming
to the defence of each other.
you come hell or high water. And all of the sock puppets with your
hand up their date, something smells rotten in Denmark Steve. Are you
What? Sock puppets? You are a sock puppet of Scott Koplin aka Nurk Fred
aka kop yet you think I'm a sock puppet! Are you ever a weird one!
paying the Tea Lady Steve or do you both have something going on
"behind the scenes" with each other?
Whatever floats your boat Scott!
Rockin' Rod Shaftenauer
That's alll we need, yet another jackass!
***Pull up your pants Krypto...Seems you've dropped them in
perpetuity, down around your ankles no less for one Steve Kombat
Pinkie Kramer...Hope its all worth it in the end...You lose, just like
Steve...Born to lose!...
You'd know all about being born to lose Scott! You lose jobs with
sickening regularity. Instead of blaming others, why don't you look in a
mirror for a change. You might find the reasons for you inability to
hold a job are staring you in the face (so to speak!).