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Old January 2nd 04, 03:44 PM
Wolfgang K. Meister
Posts: n/a

Remark: The interface via a LPT port is possible by PortIO or other
free add ons to access direct the LPT port in Windows. Visual Basic or
Powerbasic could be used. The PEEK statement has to be replaced by the
equivalent access methode from the language to the port.

Please double check, could be there are some errors due to OCR


World of the Brass Pounders:
Receive the Morse Code the easy way


scanned from an very old paper copy by
WIEN A-1210
email: oe1mww(at) (replace the (at) with an @)

Original article starts he

A great feature of a personal-computing hobby is that it can be used
to work with other hobbies. A case In point is

this little program to decode and print out Morse code. I original-ly
wrote this in machine lan-guage for my KIM

system, where it took up less than one page, and finally decided to
try it in BASIC.
Even though the program looks simple, it has some unusual surprises,
such as self-adaptive adjustment for changes

in code speed. In addi-tion, the influence of changes in dash or dot
length is weighted so that they must occur

five or six times in succession be-fore the computer decides that
there has been a bona fide speed change. As a

result, an occasional "bad" character will not mess up your copy; the
printout is extremely stable and the copy is

relatively foolproof.

The program also detects the end of the word and prints out a space,
if required.
The program's memory needs are minor—just a little over 1K of RAM is
required. The program is written in Microsoft

BASIC on the KIM computer, but should operate with any relatively fast
BASIC. From a hardware standpoint, if your

CRT or printer will go to 300 baud, this program will provide
excellent copy of Morse code, up to 15 or 20 words

per minute. If your terminal operates up to 1200 baud, it will follow
the Morse transmissions to well over 30 words

per minute.

Loading the Program

Input the program exactly as written, even though some of the
instructions may seem re-dundant. It is written this

way to save operating time—a very important consideration when you are
dealing with fast-acting dots and dashes.
Lines 10,20, 60, 110 and 150 instruct a PEEK to location 5888
(decimal). In the KIM com-puter, this is a peripheral

input address at 1700 (hex). This loca-tion reads a total of eight
input ports as an eight-bit word.
The AND 1 on lines 10,20,60, 110 and 150 assures that the computer is
only reading the port to which the incoming

Morse is connected obviously, this must be changed to fit your
particular system.
In addition, the program assumes that when a dot or a dash occurs, a
logic 0 appears on the input port. This is in

agreement with a "key down" shorting the input port to ground, and
also in agreement with the hardware interface

cir-cuit described later. If your hookup provides a logic 1 during a
dot and a dash, then lines 11, 30, 70,120 and

160 must be changed so that all IF A = 1 statements should read IF A =
0, and vice versa.

Program Description

Fig. 1 is a simplified flow diagram of the program. The initialization
routine (lines 1 through 6) sets the lookup

table that will permit the printout of the proper character. The
pro-gram then waits for a key down to occur (lines

10 and 11). The first part of the operating pro-gram (lines 20 through
80) mea-sures the length of time that the

key is down and compares this with the stored value for the length of
a dash.
If the key is raised in less than one-half of the stored dash time,
the computer writes a dot into the dot register

(line 30) and goes to the second part of the operating program.
If the key remains down longer than one-half of the dash time, a dash
is stored in the dash register (line 50), and

the value of the dash time is up-dated with a one-to-four weight-ing
(line 80). This is accom-plished by

multiplying the old value of the dash time by four, adding the new
value, and then dividing by five. As a result,

the stored value of the dash time cannot change drastically from
character to character, and the copy is not

susceptible to er-rors from erratic sending habits. The second part of
the pro-gram (lines 100 through 190)

measures the length of time the key is up. if it's up less than
one-half of the dash length, the program assumes

that the character is not complete and no printout is provided (see
lines 100 through 130). If the key is up

longer, the program jumps to line 300, the print-character subroutine.
If the key is up longer than twice the dash

length, the program assumes that a word is complete and a "space" is
printed (lines 170 and 180).
Lookup Table
The heart of the program is the algorithm that counts the dots and
dashes and develops a number used to look up the

ac-tual character to be printed, in other words, each combination of
dots and dashes in Morse code has a discrete

number that commands a given character to be printed. This algorithm
has three conditions as listed in Table 1.
Steps 1 and 2 keep repeating until the character is complete. When the
program detects a key-up period longer than

one-half of a dash length, it is assumed that the character is
complete and step 3 is accomplished (lines 300 to

430). The manner in which the lookup number for the letter D is
formed is shown in Example 1. Interlace Hardware
Fig. 2 shows a typical circuit for connecting your radio re-ceiver to
the computer. The NPN transistor is an R/C

coupled audio amplifier con-nected to a type 567 phase-lock loop
circuit. The free-running frequency of the

phase-lock loop is set by the values of the capacitor and resistor
con-nected to pins 5 and 6 of the 567, and is

approximately 2000 Hz. The capacitors on pins 1 and 2 of the PLL
adjust the bandwidth to about 100 Hz, and the LED

serves as a tuning in-dicator—that is, It will start blinking when the
signal Is in the center of this narrow

band-pass. This circuit is compatible with the program, as written, In
that the output signal goes to a logic 0

when a dot or a dash occurs. The circuit shown is not my original
idea, but has appeared in numerous publications;

you may have your own favorite circuit that you would like to use. As
long as you maintain the same output logic (a

0 for a dot or dash), there will be no problem.

Incidentally, the circuit has another unique application. Since it is
only activated by audio signals over a fairly

nar-row band, it can also be used to key an audio oscillator set to
any frequency desired. When Morse CW comes in

amidst a jumble of other signals, the phase-lock loop picks out the
signal you want and keys the audio

oscillator... and that is all you hear. A full-scale outline of the
circuit board is shown in Fig. 3.
Adjusting the Program One of the advantages of writing this program in
BASIC is the ease with which the com

putatlon constants can be changed. For Instance, you may wish to
experiment with different algorithms to detect

whether a key-down signal is a a dot or a dash... to take care of
"swlng-fisters." This can be accomplished easily

by chang-ing the factor in line 40 from (.5*0) to (.2S*C or .75*C).
By the same token, the constants In lines 111

and 151 can be changed to provide more lee-way for the formation of
char-acters and spaces.

1. If the input signal is a dash:
A. Double the values in the dot and dash registers.
B. Add 1 to the dash register (see line 50).
2. If the input signal is a dot:
A. Double the values in the dot and dash registers.
B. Add 1 to the dot register (see line 30).
3. if the character is complete:
A. Double the value in the dash register.
B. Add the dash and dot registers to obtain the lookup number.
C. Clear the dot and dash registers.

Table 1.

EXAMPLE: D = -..

initial conditions: Dot register = 0, Dash register = 0.

First period: Input a dash.
2 times dash register =2x0 = 0.
2 times dot register =2x0 = 0.
Add 1 to dash register =1+0 = 1.
Summary: dash register = 1, dot register = 0.

Second period: Input a dot.
2 times dash register =2x1 = 2.
2 times dot register =2x0 = 0.
Add 1 to dot register =1+0 = 1.
Summary: dash register = 2, dot register = 1.

Third period: Input a dot.
2 times dash register =2x2 = 4.
2 times dot register =2x1 = 2.
Add 1 to dot register =1+2 = 3.
Summary: dash register = 4, dot register = 3.

End of Character—-determine lookup number for D.
2 times dash register =2x4 = 8.
Add dot register and dash register =8 + 3 = 11.
Answer: D = 11.

Example 1.


5 DIM A$(100)
6 FOR N=l TO 100 : READ A$(N) : NEXT N
10 A=PEEK(5888) AND 1
11 IF A=l THEN 10
15 B=0
20 A=PEEK(5888) AND 1:B=B+10
30 IF A=l THEN C*((5*C)+(2*B))/6O=2*DOA-2*DAO=DO+l:GOTO 100
40 IF B(.5*C) THEN 20
50 DO=2*DOA=2*DAA=DA+1
60 A=PEEK(5888) AND 1:B=B+10
70 IF A=0 THEN GOTO 60
80 C=((4*C)+B)/5
100 B=0
110 A-PEEK(5888) AND 1
111 B=B+10
120 IF A=0 THEN GOTO 15
130 IF B(.5*C) THEN GOTO 110
140 GOSUB 300
150 A=PEEK(5888) AND 1
151 B=B+10
160 IF A=0 THEN GOTO 15
170 IF B(2*C) THEN GOTO 150
180 PRINT " ";
190 GOTO 10
300 DA=DA*2
310 D=DA+DO
330 IF D100 THEN D=100
340 PRINT A$(D);
350 DA=0O-0
400 DATA E,T,I,A,N,M,S,U,R,W,D,K,G,O,H,V,F,-,L,-,P,J,B,X,C
410 DATA Y,Z,Q,-,-,5,4,-,3,-,-,-,2,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,1,6,-,/,-
420 DATA -,-,-,-,7,-,-,-,8,-,9,0,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,?
430 DATA -,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,.,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-

The circuit for the interface is scanned and can be requested via
email from oe1mww(at)