CM's Remarkable Jerusalem Falafel Restaurant.
She stays in business because she has quite a few regular customers.
Robert Johnson is out of business.
Say Hey Stevie:
Correct again. Ole fatty is still in business. Day in day out, I never
had a business in Thailand. I'm retired here Stevie. How many times
must you be reminded of that? Just enjoying my "playing the stocks"
day after day. Our leader, Paul Renaud found two diamonds in the rough
and that being DEMCO and PRIN. I researched and bought in with Berli
Jucker (BJC). There stock has shot up. BJC is expected to purchase
Carrefour stores in Thailand, Malaysa, and Singapore, 40, 20, 2 stores
respectively. Then their stock prices will shoot into the twenties.
The bids will begin in September. Check out my investment club during
your leisure. THAISTOCKS.COM
Well just about that time to put the feedbag on Stevie. Smoked
Antarctia salmon on the bristo along with a tossed salad with another,
(yes) another bottle of wine. Have a great evening Stevie. I know we
5555 Yee-Haw !!