| From......: "Bill Miller"
| Newsgroups: sci.physics.electromag
| Sent......: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:44 PM
| Subject...: vemsa3d 1.1 - a floss visual em simulator for 3d antennas
| wrote in message ...
| -
| ...
| How does this work differ from NEC Numeric Electromagnetic Code for antenna
| analysis?
| Bill Miller
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Dear Mr. Miller,
VEMSA3D can not work differently, because it is based
on the same theoretical method as NEC does, that is on
the Method of Moments.
However, since each of these numerical applications use
a different basis of the current function space and since
their corresponding computer programs use unavoidably
finite linear combinations of them, in general, they
produce different results.
To be specific, the two bases details are included in the
VEMSA3D current basis:
J. H. Rischmond, Radiation and Scattering by Thin-Wire
Structues in the Complex Freqeuncy Domain, (15), p.6
NEC current basis:
G. J. Burke, A. G. Poggio
Numerical Electromagnetics Code - Method of Moments
Equation (20), p. 11
Petros Zimourtopoulos