On 8/16/2010 7:10 PM, Noskosteve wrote:
I have some professional Fischer current probes (clamp-on current
For a simple dipole, balun, 50 ohm coax feed system...
It seems to be that I can simply clamp one on the rig side of the
balun, and see how much current is flowing and compare it to antenna
current. I can clamp it on either, or each antenna leg near the feed
point to measure antenna current.
It'd also be interesting to probe several points along the feed line.
Anyone see anythhing wrong with this reasoning?
73, Steve
PLEASE also respond via email
K9DCI @ arrl dot net
You could just pass the coax though a suitable toroid. This toroid
having a few turns of wire, rectification (diode) and some type of
readout. This could easily be slid along the length of the coax and
"relative measurements" taken. You could probably add some calculations
and with the proper choice of components, actually get "real" readings.
A simple turn of non-shorted coax around the inside circumference of
the toroid, plus windings, would provide a measure of capacitance
decoupling. I am sure, someone, somewhere has already done this and
would have some meaningful data what is possible or what might be
expected ... if nothing else, a "poor mans' indicator."