QSL Cards received - August 2010
On Aug 30, 2:58*am, dxAce wrote:
bpnjensen wrote:
CYPRUS, BBC - British East Mediterranean Relay Station *in EE, 13675,
stamped but unsigned n/d card stating “This is to verify your QSL
report,” by airmail in 21 days for EE report (10 June 2010) & self-
addressed envelope by airmail. *Also included other items such as SWL
card & ready-made QSL, which were not returned, and $3 U.S. which was
return4d * Two apparent valid addresses included for BEMRS, including
POB 54912, CY (4-digit number unreadable), Limassol, Cyprus, and Zygi,
Larnaca 7739, Cyprus (Jensen-CA).
Unfortunate that they did not sign and return your prepared QSL. One always
wonders about that.
I'm waiting for a QSL from Radio Fly (5960), Papua New Guinea.
I sent a prepared card, SAE, and $2. Have heard nothing, other than seeing
some things indicating that they themselves were going to have a QSL printed,
so perhaps ultimately they will send something.
I'd be happy with the prepared card!
I agree - I have had so many quickie cards/letters come back lately
that just say something like this, a simple confirmation with no
details -
The prepped card I sent was pretty cool - neat and sharp, done on the
PC, 4" x 6" full-color, the front had the station name, a small map of
both the UK and Cyprus, and the back had full printed data and a place
for a signature. It would have been no trouble at all to sign or even
stamp/initial it and pop it in the same envelope with the mass-
produced one-sided sheet they sent.
I wish you the best of fortune with the Radio Fly QSL - have you heard
whether they've veried for anyone else?