Obama Worst President in History
"Dennis Patrick Foley" wrote in message
For anyone who wants the truth just read or watch tv on Fox, you'll never
get the news from the liberal news. This country is full of pussies who
voted for yomamma just cuz they didn't like Bush and now we've got a
progressive socialist in
charge. He is a muslim, through and through, all you have to do is look.
See how he treats Israel, why, cuz he's a frickin muslim. You stupid
democrats &
Some people listen to Fox News all the time and do no get any other varied
ideas. A person can now begin at 6 a.m. EDT with Bill Bennett's radio show
go well into late night (Rusty Humphries on WDBO from 1-4 a.m.) and hear and
astounding numbers of different takes on issues. Each personality brings
to the tables for conservatives. Sometimes I find Dr. Bennett a bit nerdie,
but he has
fantastic guests and discussions with them. Glenn Beck make me think about
US history like
no one before. I prefer to listen to Laura Ingraham and watch Glenn on Fox
at 5 p.m.
There's no missing Rush because he is the true voice of America. I recently
that I can listen to Jerry Doyle online after Rush's show. He describes
himself as an
independent conservative. He can be an curmudgeon sometimes, but as a former
stockbroker, an actor and pilot, he has an interesting slant on things.
Let's not forget
Michael Savage! There's no hold barred and he gives it to everyone else on
talk radio.
He gets overlooked and he's under appreciated in my opinion. At 9 p.m. I can
get online
and listen to the John Batchelor show which is very good. Lastly, there's
Rusty Humphries
who's good, too. I used to listen to Larry Elder who was replaced by Mark
Levin on ABC
radio, and he was also good but a little uppity at times.
My point is no one has to listen to just one, two or three personalities!
commentators and radio programs are readily available online. I listen to
Rush on my
hometown station so I can here the local news.
We do not need to be back-biting people in our camp! God has given all us
unique talents,
and that applies to talk show hosts, too!