Originally Posted by Jennifer Michael
Hi all,
I just read that this radio has/is discontinued, but I'd still like to
try and fix mine for sentinmental reasons. My problem is the common
Error 3 is coming up with both the A/C power and the new batteries.
The A/C was acting up for weeks (bad connection) and now doesn't work
at all. I have tried all of the usual fixes, such as checking the
springs/battery connections and the "main power" switch. I did NOT
replace the two AA batteries (figuring the display was still working
it was unnessary). Any ideas? Anyone ever have that A/C connection
repaired? If I could get that to work I would forgo the battery
Much thanks for any help!
I have enjoyed shortwave and medium wave dxing for a few years and own a Sony icf-2010. It's one of my favorites but has sat for a while with no batteries. I put fresh batteries in and powered it up and got the "error.3" message on the display. I tried pulling the aa batteries for a while then the paper clip across the aa posts and still the "error.3" appeared. Then I tried adjusting the "main power" switch on the left side of the receiver to the "on" position and the radio powered on with no "error.3" message and is pulling in 740am KCBS out San Francisco over 600 miles from my location in Ventura county with ease as I type. Am I an expert-no sir! Try everything calmly before taking drastic action. I hope this helps. Happy dxing