Codec2 - putting your money where your mouth is
On 25/09/2010 08:32, Brian Reay wrote:
wrote in message
I don't have the skills, or even the time, to take part - but it doesn't
stop me from encouraging the project as a matter of principal. A closed
codec has no place in Amateur Radio.
It is striking how many of the proponents of development of an open codec
and opponents of a closed codec are amongst those that do not have any
idea how to develop a codec...
Or have even contributed to the development fund. (It was recently reported
by a contributor to that he was the first person to have
sent a donation. (Stands by for the latest excuse from one of our Scottish
amateurs as to why he can't cough up YETI again this month.) )
Actually, I can this month. Someone remind me who I send it to please!
Can't afford it next month cos the RSGB want their fees off me then, and
I'll be on holiday for at least a week of it too - so I'd better get it
done now.
Personally, I don't see the attraction of DStar like systems, regardless of
the choice of CODEC. However, I'm more than happy for others to enjoy them.
I just wish the bleating crew would go and make this open CODEC happen.
Didn't you read the first post? It's happening!