J M Noeding wrote:
need to help a mate with a SDA4212 divider which is the only I could
find in my shack, but can't find any good data for it. It seems to be
very popular in Slovenia, but it is sorts of language problems....
Believe we bought them as replacement for U884 or U664 when it was
popular in Germany, but can't find the reference today.
according to an old issue of UKW-Berichte the pinout is:
1: NC
2: IN
3: /IN
4: GND
5: Divide ratio (0V: divide ratio 256; +5V: divide ratio 64)
6: OUT
7: /OUT
8: +5V
Frequency range 70 MHz to 1300 MHz
I might also have a data sheet but it will take some time to find it.