Noise in Ford F-150
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January 13th 04, 11:22 PM
Phillip Jockell
Posts: n/a
I have similar high noise in a '93 Astro minivan. Is the
fix the same?
phil - N4GWV
(Randy Chavis) wrote
Anybody have any ideas to lower noise in my FT-857 mounted in my F-150
pickup? S7-S9 noise (engine running, with NB ON) on 17M (Only band
I've tried on HF yet). Antenna is an Outbacker mounted on a mount I
welded up for my receiver hitch and puts the base of the antenna at
about roof level. Quiet as a mouse when truck is shut off. Go
figure...hard to be "mobile" with the engine off
Scott N0EDV
you will find the problem in the fuel pump..Ford had a big porblem
with it not
being grounded.They have a fix for it but you will have to talk to a
Ford tech to find it and buy it from them....
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