On 10/10/2010 5:24 PM, den wrote:
I agree!
A Phoenix police officer told a store owner that he should shoot to
kill rather than wounding the trash that kept trying to kill him, and
robbing his store. That is defense of your private property.
The twisted thinking of the Australian OP comes from living in a
country defending itself with knives. Notice that he does not mention
the horrific picture of the person with the cut throat.Thank GOD he
won't be voting for the "Disarm USA" people.
Yes, guns in the hands of the people who will only shoot criminals,
muggers, rapists, thieves, murders, child molesters, etc. are a very goo
thing. The reason we have all the problems today is a build up from
having neglected in removing these dangerous people from society. They
have bred and taught their off spring the same dangerous and despicable
ways ... it can't go on forever ... however, their are many fools who
can't even leave their homes at night which don't realize the importance
of placing guns in the hands of people which would make these places
safe again ...
sad, so very, very sad ...