"Keyboard In The Wilderness" wrote in message news:21ANb.23933$zs4.10105@fed1read01...
Lots of kits and projects at URL:
Here is some info that may be of interest:
This receiver was featured in the spring 1994 issue of Ham Brew
Designed by Wes Baden, K6EIL
This is a nice 40 meter receiver and uses a NE602AN OR NE612AN mixer
and incorporating an AF pre-amplifier and bandpass audio filter
will drive a 2 1/2" to 3" speaker to room level volume.
Kit includes etched circuit board and all board mount components
included is a very nice 20pf air vairable capactior..double bearing
has built in 8:1 reduction and 1/4" shaft
copy if artical included with kit...price of this kit is...$32.95
You can find the site where this is offered by doing a Google search
of "Dans Small Parts and Kits."
Ten-Tec also has a kit in their T-Kit series that sells for $29.95 and
comes with all of the parts to put it on any band from 80 thru 10, and
this also has an audio filter that works quite well. The Ten-Tec also
has a very fine instruction manual, so that would seem to be a better
kit for a kid.
Hope this is of some help.
73 de WA2AFD