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Old January 16th 04, 02:52 AM
Tim Wescott
Posts: n/a

Do you know where I could find a copy of the Ham Brew article? Is it on the
web someplace, or does Dan's include instructions?

I didn't think of Ten-Tec -- when I hear Ten-Tec I think "really expensive
American made radio", not "good cheap kit". That is my problem and no one
else's, of course.

"Howard" wrote in message
"Keyboard In The Wilderness" wrote in message

Lots of kits and projects at URL:

Here is some info that may be of interest:


This receiver was featured in the spring 1994 issue of Ham Brew
Designed by Wes Baden, K6EIL

This is a nice 40 meter receiver and uses a NE602AN OR NE612AN mixer
and incorporating an AF pre-amplifier and bandpass audio filter
will drive a 2 1/2" to 3" speaker to room level volume.
Kit includes etched circuit board and all board mount components
included is a very nice 20pf air vairable capactior..double bearing
has built in 8:1 reduction and 1/4" shaft
copy if artical included with kit...price of this kit is...$32.95

You can find the site where this is offered by doing a Google search
of "Dans Small Parts and Kits."

Ten-Tec also has a kit in their T-Kit series that sells for $29.95 and
comes with all of the parts to put it on any band from 80 thru 10, and
this also has an audio filter that works quite well. The Ten-Tec also
has a very fine instruction manual, so that would seem to be a better
kit for a kid.

Hope this is of some help.

73 de WA2AFD