On Oct 22, 4:14*am, RHF wrote:
The NASB 2010 International Shortwave Surveyhttp://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6LRVLJ7
NASB = National Association of Shortwave Broadcastershttp://www.shortwave.org/
and now you know . . .
cause you just read it here ~ RHF
Shortwave Listener QSL Reports :http://tinyurl.com/2d9qlqhttp://www....er-qsl-reports
- = 2FN6XOG = - & - = 2D9QLQ = -
Well, that was fun, thanks! I hope the info is helpful. I would have
liked to see some other questions - one bit of trivia that would not
be apparent from their questioning would be whether or not QSLs are
collected from stations not in one's main language.