On Nov 1, 10:12*pm, MrRas wrote:
- Hi all
- I have an Eton E5 SW radio, I love listening to broadcasts from all
- the world, but I've had this radio for a few years now... and there
- one problem. I still have no clue how to work the SSB function.
- I've read the manual and looked some stuff up online, but whenever I
- to use SSB all I get is a high pitched squeal. I see videos of
- using an E5 on SSB and they're getting clear signals that aren't
- distorted- when I use my SSB button the station comes in all muffled
- sounding and even with careful tuning I can never get it to sound
- What is the point of SSB, when should I use it, how do I use it?
- Thanks for any help.
- --
- MrRas
. . .
Some Things about SW Radios is a 'natural'
{no learning required or learned it before}
You Know how to Turn 'On'; Tune; and Set the
Sound Level of an AM/FM Radio : Same for SW
-and- Some Things about SW Radios is a 'Skill'
{requires that you lean some thing new and
practice the process to develop 'the skill'}
The SSB Fine-Tuning Knob is a new SW Radio
'Skill' that you must Learn by using and doing.
First Setting-Up the SW Radio :
On the Right-Side there is the "Fine-Tuning"
Knob/Wheel : Set this Knob to it's Center.
-tip- You should 'feel' a Bump/Notch as you
trun the Knob somewhere around the Center of
It's Range of Travel : Full CW to Full CCW.
Now look for come consistent SSB Signals to
Practice your SSB Tuning Skills.
Where you might start is at the WWV/WWVH Time
Frequencies which are really not AM Signals
-but- DSB Signals with Suppressed/Reduced
AM Carrier [Double Side-Bands Lower & Upper]
So in the AM Mode : Tune your SW Radio to :
2.5 MHz {2,500 kHz},; 5 MHz {5,000 kHz},
10 MHz {10,000 kHz}, 15 MHz {15,000 kHz}
Choose the one that gives you the best Signal.
-INFO- Time Signals
Next you have a "SSB" Button (8) on the Front
of the SW Radio : [Mono & Stereo & SSB]
Press it once and wait to see if "SSB" shows
up in the LCD Display (24)
Press it a second time and wait to see if "SSB"
shows up in the LCD Display (24)
STOP When You See the "SSB" in the LCD Display.
-tip- You are now in the "SSB" Receive Mode.
*IF* You are Tuned directly on one of the
WWV/WWVH Time Signals and can hear it well.
Plus in the "SSB" Receive Mode with the 'SSB'
Fine-Tuning Knob 'Centered' :
You can now slowly rotate the 'SSB' Fine-Tuning
Knob CW and hear one of the Side-Bands.
Re-Center the 'SSB' Fine-Tuning Knob
Now you can slowly rotate the 'SSB' Fine-Tuning
Knob CCW and hear the 'other' of the Side-Bands.
After you have Practiced with WWV/WWVH several
times and can develop your 'Skill' using the
'SSB' Fine-Tuning expand out . . .
Note - That you can also do this with other
"AM" Mode SW Broadcasts that are very loud
and clear on your Radio. {Improve Your Skill}
NEXT - Try looking for some of the Fixed Frequency
'Utility' SSB Broadcasters that use "USB" Mode
[USB = Upper {Single} Side-Band]
* Tune-in to the Fixed Frequency
* Set to "SSB" Mode
* Rotate the 'SSB' Fine-Tuning Knob CW/CCW to
hear the Upper Side-Band [USB].
LAST - You can try the Amateur/Ham Bands using
your new "SSB" Tuning 'Skills'.
hth - good luck with your radio ~ RHF