I remember a similar product here in the UK called the Philips Electronic
Engineer Kit. I had hours of fun with it in the early '70's. The only
transistors I remember were BC548's mounted on small PCBs which depressed
the spring contacts and were held in place when other components were added.
But now I try to remember which transistors they were, I not so sure about
the BC548 bit. Childhood memories can be very unreliable!
"Bob Liesenfeld" wrote in message
Tim Wescott wrote:
Did it have a bunch of little sugar-cube sized pieces, with four- or
contact gizmos that you stuck wire into for each componant lead (like a
single-row proto board)?
No, I don't think so. As I recall it had regular components that were
connected between spring loaded posts. I think it had a schematic sheet
you laid down on a board like pegboard, put the posts in and then added