Originally Posted by nitornemo
1 PAIR OF NTN5762C DES-OTAR modules.
removed from VHF SystemSaber 3's 12/5/03 in complete working order.
They were keyloaded and worked encrypted with my XTS/AS3/MTS2K.
They were removed because these SS3's are being shipped overseas.
I WILL NOT (no matter what the laws allow) ship outside the USA.
Nitornemo at yahoo dot com
hello sir I have 4 system sabers wiht 5762C module's one of them are lost the key I tray to reload it baht it wel not load the key the seller see it is a 56 bit key ?? ( or 256 bit ? ) normaly I load keys whit the ntn 5835 module and it wil go well
do you no som backgrond info abote it ???
groetings armando
the netherlands