?Hello Bert,
I may be way off-base, but considering that my health insurance just
quadrupled (with a company picking up on part of it), I rather guess that
there are more important things on the minds of Congress as the
newly-elected try and figure out just what they are going to do LOL.
73 from Rochester, NY
"WA2SI" wrote in message
Hello all,
Just a general service announcement re. FCC NPRM 10-119. There could
be some major changes to Part 95, particularly re. 11-meter CB; Things
like decreasing allowable power and prohibiting directional antennas.
While I certainly wouldn't want the power limits raised from their
current level, I don't want them decreased either. Prohibiting
directional antennas appears just as troublesome. On the bright side,
they also seek comments re. the 155 mile limit which might indicate
that they may be willing to de-criminalize a natural human response to
propagation on HF.
The ARRL has already commented on this NPRM to the FCC. I would
suggest that a better route would be to draft a form letter to all
those candidates that are up for election (& sending multiple flyers
to our mailboxes) and urge them to bring up your concerns to the FCC.
Here's the FCC link:
Remember how the amateur radio vanity call system came about; ONE (1)
letter from a concerned ham to his local elected representative.
As always, take care es...
Vy 73 de Bert