FAZAMY wrote:
I've been trying to track down a source conductive spray paint. A rep from a
electronics co. said that such stuff has been banned for sale by the EPA. He
sounded convincing to me.
Is this kind of a product legally available in the US. I'd like to know?
I'd be mildly surprised if conductive paint has been banned, as IBM
uses _a_ _lot_ of it in their mainframes, to make the enclosures as
close to Faraday cages as they can get them consistent with having
holes cut in the sides and bottoms for cable access.
But if you mean "conductive paint in spray cans", that may be a
totally different thing. I'd call some paint manufacturers -- Krylon
and Rustoleum for starters. Probably they have "800" numbers that are
on the cans in the hardware stores, and "800" number information calls
generally are free.
Mike Andrews
Tired old sysadmin