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Old January 29th 04, 11:00 PM
Dave Platt
Posts: n/a

I've been trying to track down a source conductive spray paint. A rep from a
electronics co. said that such stuff has been banned for sale by the EPA. He
sounded convincing to me.

Is this kind of a product legally available in the US. I'd like to know?

Click on "Products", then on "Conductive Coating". Their MS-487N is a
nickel-based conductive paint, intended for RFI/EMI shielding.
Will attack acrylic, polycarbonate, polystyrene plastics. It's
available as a liquid but not as an aerosol. You might be able to use
it in a commercial airless paint sprayer.

Less formal solutions to the problem, which I have seen suggested but
have not actually tested myself, include:

- Carbon-based black spraypaint intended for high-temperature
applications such as woodstoves, stovepipes, etc.

- Zinc-based "cold galvanizing" spraypaint.

I have no idea what sort of attenuation you'd get from either of
these, or what sort of surface preparation, priming, or overcoating
might be required on various materials.

Dave Platt AE6EO
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