If you had already searched with Google, or other search engines, it
should have been stated in the original message. Incomplete requests for
help just make it harder to help anyone.
There are other resources, like the EEM or Tomcat online databases of
products and manufacturers. Still it helps to know what someone has done
other than wring their hands and cry for help.
We now return you to our normally scheduled programming.
Tnx Michael for your suggestion. It was an oversight on my part about not
mentioning prior searches on Google.
Secondly, I was seeking out help on this newsgroup. It is a great source
because of the wealth of info and experience held by its subscribers. I was not
wringing my hands in despair as you imply. I use this newsgroup as a fountain
of hope. It is unwise to judge the emotional/psychological state of the
sender from cold text.
See ya!