Too Quiet!
On Dec 7, 12:34*pm, John Ferrell wrote:
It seems awfully quiet here lately...
Has every one moved to another location or could it be everyone but me
has all their questions answered?
John Ferrell W8CCW
John, the weather is just now getting to where we can begin working on
antennas. 4" snow on the ground and rain predicted. Perhaps tomorrow I
can start working on tightening up the four corners of my 160 meter
horizontal loop. Or finish tuning the 5BTV out in the pasture.
Have been thinking about a Beverage. Have mile or more of tiny
shielded wire I got at Boeing Surplus years ago. It's about 1/16 inch
diameter. Silver plated copper. Used in aircraft, somewhere. Figured I
would tie inner conductor to shield. Use 1" pvc pipe about eight feet
long for supports. Drive rebar into the ground as far as possible
(18") and stick the PVC over it. Put the wire in a slot at the top. I
can run the wire SW almost 600' before I hit the edge of the property.
Then a 2 watt carbon resistor to ground. Need a transformer at the
house end to match to coax.
Also need to get started on cleaning up and painting the tower.
Haven't had time to get it up. Mayby have to wait for another 5 years!
There, is that enough about antennas?
73, Paul KD7HB