13.8 V power supply question
I need a 12-14 V power supply for my new 2m tranceiver. On transmit I need
probably 10 to 15 amps and I hooked up and old transformer with a rectifier
and a filter section I get 15V at my filter with no load, the transformer is
good for 25 amps) but if I draw 15 amps I will get too much ripple,
so I need a regulating section.
Homebrewing is called for.
Last years radio amateur handbook has a design for a 28 volt regulated
power supply and while I would feel comfortable building a proven design I
do not feel comfortable to redesign that regulating section for my needs.
So the question is does anyone have a diagram for a proven 12-14 Volt
regulated supply for 10 to 25 amps??
Thanks for your help