On Wed, 8 Dec 2010 13:56:18 -0800, "Wayne"
"John Ferrell" wrote in message
.. .
It seems awfully quiet here lately...
Has every one moved to another location or could it be everyone but me
has all their questions answered?
John Ferrell W8CCW
It does seem to be a little quiet. Anybody want to discuss fractals, as in
the GFW (Great Fractal Wars TM) of a few years ago? That was definitely not
a quiet time 
I lost interest in that subject pretty quick the last time around. It
seemed to quickly degenerate into what my Dad referred to as a "Peeing
Contest" which he further explained as a vicious argument short on
facts, long on anger and unlikely to have a conclusion or any
redeeming value.
My current view of the subject "Antennas" is that their are two
relevant components. The first is antenna geometry, the second is
matching it to the load.
Geometry determines the gain and the patterns across the spectrum.
Matching relates to minimizing losses.
I reserve the option of changing my mind but at least for the moment I
consider these as Axioms, that is: accepted principles.
Next I deduce that a "Perfect Antenna" is one that meets or exceeds
one's current needs.
It then follows that the "Best Antenna" is best one that can be
implemented within the projects available resources.
Anyone care to debate further?
John Ferrell W8CCW