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Old December 1st 03, 05:24 AM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Art Unwin KB9MZ wrote:

Seems like the patronage on this group is going down.
I know that the Google updates are extremely slow,
which is irritable and doesn't encourage posting.
Shouldn't we change the site of antenna conversations
before it goes downhill all together ?
There must be a place to post that is updated more
quickly than once or twice a day ( snail mail equivalent)
to keep interest going.
Just a thought

Art, my ISP subscribes to so I have internet and
newsgroup access for $8/mo. For an additional $6/mo, I have access
to the newsgroups through the GED computer where I work. Google
is good for archives but not so good for real-time newsgroup access.
Take a look at and see what you think.
73, Cecil

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