Chinese vacume tube needed---help
Elmer Sharpe wrote:
I bought a neat old Chinese military receiver on ebay some time ago.
Unfortunatly it has a bad 1B2 chinese tube. I don't believe there is a
knowen American conversion tube for this. If there is please tell me?
if not does anyone know where I can buy a chinese 1B2 vacume tube
please? regards, Elmer (Idaho)
I think that is a current production Shuguang tube but I do not have a
Shuguang databook here.
I do have a Toshiba 1970 tube handbook which lists a Japanese 1B2 type
as a diode-pentode. Ri=500K, mu=13.5, B7G basing and 1.4V filament.
Check your circuit and see if the basing looks like that of a 1S5 tube.
If so, give the 1S5 a try, I think it should work.
Otherwise you can try tube dealers, but the 1B2 is the kind of thing
that folks try NOT to get from Shugang because there's little demand.
Elmer Sharpe
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."