pa5tig wrote:
This site is more to the point..
"Michael Breeman" schreef in
bericht ...
Require a complete service/construction manual for a Heathkit IO-30
Oscilloscope. Also interested in a 5BP1 crt for this instrument, must be
in VGC and both will be required to be posted to Australia.
1. Most of the Heathkit scopes are very similar inside and a manual for one
will apply to most of them.
2. The power transformer has failed. The HV winding is bad.
3. If the power transformer has not failed, it will fail soon.
4. Replacement CRTs are very common, because so many of these scopes are
thrown away when the power transformer fails.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."