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Old February 5th 04, 05:17 PM
Chuck Harris
Posts: n/a

Henry Kolesnik wrote:
I am guilty of not heeding your advice on the jam nut but it was not
intentional mistake, it was the result of several attempts to get the parts
back together. But a dope slap imigh tbe in order. I'm very impressed with
engineering, design, and manufacture of the switch. Except for alignment, I
don't see any need for improvements. I'd guess the facctory had a jig for
aligment. I used a 13/64" allen wrench as a "feeler guage" after I
determined what clearance was necessary to make sure all pins were out and
how much they needed to go down so the female contacts would snap in the
grooves of the pins. It took hours but the next time it will be quicker!
As far as the 54 test cards, I can't get proper readings on 1 thru 5 as
my Cal. Cell is dead, or Card 9 but the rest are in spec! For the
calibration cell Alan Douglas's book shows a 4.7 volt Zener while the
USM-118 website has a 5.1 volt Zener and I'm trying to find out if the
difference is important.. I think I may attempt to recharge the Cal. Cell
mercury battery with my constant current source and see what happens.

Don't! At best, it won't work, at worst, it will explode. The mercury
cell is a one way reaction. It cannot be reversed.

Been there, tried that, blew it up!

-Chuck Harris