KENWOOD RC-D710 Control Panel. This is the special APRS-aware head
replacement for Kenwood's TM-V71 VHF/UHF Dual-band Transceiver. I
bought this new replacement head brand new in late August 2010 at the
Boxboro Ham Fest in Massachusetts from HRO. The unit is just like brand
new, perfect condition, used in the shack only, never mobile...the box
(original box) includes everything: the replacement front panel itself,
mounting brackets, hardware, cables, manual, still unfilled-out
warranty, CDROM, etc. I'm also including the Kenwood TM-D710A/E Nifty!
Mini-Manual ($19.95), an absolutely superb reference (with this you'll
never refer to Kenwood's own docs!) If you want to learn about APRS and
have a TM-V71, you're all set. You can see what's going on in the APRS
world right on the front panel itself. A very cool product. Will sell
the whole package including everything listed here for $295...and I'll
pay insured Priority Mail shipping to the USA (lower 48 only.)
$295 for control panel, nifty manual and free shipping
Here's the link to my eHam ad...